Episode #6 - The Importance of Firearms Training

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Listen to Episode #6


 In this Episode:

  • The value of formal firearms training
  • Texas License to Carry Handgun Classes are in big demand
  • Women & Guns: Interview with Martha Cotton, a Texas Realtor who twice used a handgun in self-defense
  • Another installment of The History of Concealed-Carry in Texas focusing on 2005 legislative session.

In The Crosshairs:

In this episode I discuss the value of formal firearms training in terms of safety, proficience and your ability to safely and effectively use firearms, including the use of a handgun for self-defense.

Information cited in this episodes' In the Crosshairs:

In the News:

The Texas License to Carry a Handgun is a very hot commodity these days.  The terrorist attacks in Paris, San Bernardio, CA are a factor, but so is the growing awareness that people are their own first-responders when their lives hang in the balance.

History of CHL in Texas:

In addition to other pro-gun bills, the 2005 Texas Legislative Session saw the passage of three bills that directly benefit Texas Conceaeled Handgun Licensees! They were:

Concealed-Carry Bills & Documents Cited in this Episode's History of CHL in Texas:

  • HB 225 That increased the duration of a Concealed Handgun License from four years to five years;
  • HB 322 That lowered to 18 years the minimum age to obtain a Concealed Handgun License for people in the military or those honorably discharged;
  • HB 1831 That further amended the definition of "conviction" for Concealed Handgun License eligibility to exclude certain deferred adjudications.

Women & Guns:

Texas Realtor Martha Cotton discusses various handguns she was carried over several years and the way she carries those guns. 

Upcoming Events:

  • The YAPL match at PSC Shooting Club in Friendswood 3/5/16;
  • he PSC Women’s Program at PSC Shooting Club 3/12/16;
  • Check your local area for shooting events and get to the range for some practice;
  • The 2016 Presidential primaries are in full swing – get involved;
  • Join or donate to the NRA, especially the NRA/ILA – your 2A rights depend upon a well-funded ILA;
  • Sign up for TFC email and eNewsletters
  • Subscribe to the TFC Podcast by going to iTunes and searching for "Texas Firearms Coalition Podcast"


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