The mission of Texas Firearms Coalition (TFC) can be summed up in two words: Education, and Advocacy. The educational goal is to provide seminars and other training opportunities to Member and non-members in the form of live seminars, podcasts and webinars. The subjects covered will expand as requests are received to add additional subject matter that comes within the scope of the overall TFC mission.
TFC advocacy is broad based and includes everything from public appearances, interviews on radio, television and newspapers, and legislative efforts of interest to Texas gun owners. TFC President Charles L. Cotton is a Member of the Board of Directors of the National Rifle Association and he is frequently interviewed concerning firearms-related matters, especially when an event makes the headline news. His evaluation and response to these incidents is a key element in advocating on behalf of law-abiding, responsible gun owners.
Charles also has over thirty-five years experience writing and evaluating proposed legislation in the Texas Legislature. He has written all or significant parts of most firearms related bills introduced and/or passed in the Texas Legislature since 1993. This experience is invaluable to Texas gun owners both in terms of accomplishing goals that further the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens and in preventing unintended consequences of otherwise well-intended bills.